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Tuesday 19 March 2013

Jolly Good Editing Tips

Let me first say I'm not one to give other authors and writers advice, as I do not consider myself quite 'there' yet. However, I know a good article when I see one, so I would like to guide you to this blog article. I suppose I was drawn to it, as it pretty much reflects how I write and edit. For me it takes years to write one book, all be it a thick book. Mind you, I'm personally a bit of an epic kinda writer. Anyway, I digress, do pop into this link and have a peek, I think it's useful info for ANY kinda writer.


The musings and offerings of Mark Cassell. Writer, friend, countryman. . .

Editing your novel? Burn your words!
As writers we must understand the first draft of our novel will never shine. Writing is all about editing. As the muse thunders through my skull injecting ideas into my brain I never want to stop him. That little dude is having too much fun, so I don't interrupt. I join him, letting the words tumble out, while fighting the urge to entertain another entity in my head: the inner-editor. He slaps me, often mocking me, when my spelling and grammar stumbles, or I structure a sentence so badly he grabs my feet and tries tripping me. Dragging him behind as he kicks and screams, I follow the other guy. My friend, my muse. He's the man.

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