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Thursday 3 January 2013

Character Taster

A major character from Book 1 Divided Realms (an upcoming trilogy of the Aarabassa World). 

AMOS heir to the throne. He is the eldest of the three human brothers (approx 21 yrs in human terms). He loves both his younger brothers and tries to make up for the lack of love his father, the king, shows to his youngest brother Raphael.

His journey in Book 1 takes him to a huphin (merpeople) city. On his way there he has a run in with some sharks that are controlled by the evil monshaad Emperor. He then journeys on to the other side of the ocean which is desert land. Here he meets with listards (lizard people) and antoids (ant people). He is imprisoned and meets up with a character who will become his protector and very good friend.

That's all for now, just a little character taster.

Want to know more??

You can purchase a kindle version of Divided Realms for a small fee on
Amazon UK
Divided Realms (Arabassa World)

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